
The 继续教育 Department is the area of the college devoted to economic, 劳动力, 以及为商业部门和整个社区提供的丰富项目. Included in this division are various departments that provide professional training, 休闲课程, 以及在商业援助方面向社区伸出援手, 市民中心, 系列讲座, 定制的教育项目. 我们的项目和服务各不相同, but our commitment to the development of the local economy and sense of community is shared throughout these divisional departments.
我们的大部分课程都在进行注册. 在某些情况下, 你需要等到一个特定的日期才能注册, 但是,这将在类的详细信息中注明 在线日程安排.
注册 early to secure your seat and to ensure the course meets enrollment criteria. 学生只能在开课日期之前在线注册课程. Late registration is possible for certain classes up until the 10% date of the course and must be done in person or by phone.
学费 费用 for Community Enrichment and Self 支持ing classes vary and are guided by the costs involved in delivering the course.
学费 费用 for Occupational Extension 课程 are set by the NC Legislature and based on total hours of the course.
  • 1-24小时- 70美元.00
  • 25-49小时- 125美元.00
  • 50小时以上- 180美元.00
  • 额外收费可能包括保险和技术费用
大学 & 职业准备/高中课程是免费的
Emergency Service and Human Resource Development classes may be fee waived with proper documentation
您需要在注册时付款以预订座位. 通过万事达卡,Visa和Discover在线注册. Cash, check, or credit card are acceptable payments for walk-ins and phone-in calls.
Refer to the course schedule to find out if text书 or materials are required for 你的班级.
亲自到您的Lee或Harnett 推荐正规买球平台校园购买教科书, remember to bring 你的班级 registration receipt with your course number and student ID.
通过推荐正规买球平台书店在线购买教科书,或查看 商店营业时间和地点,点击这里.
在一般情况下, a student must be at least 16 years old to register and attend a continuing education course. There are exceptions in the summer term for enrichment programs geared toward minors.
You must have an acceptable form of payment MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover
If you are a returning student registering online and receive the error message that you cannot be uniquely identified, contact the Student 支持 Center at (919) 718-7500 to verify or update your contact information.
Classes requiring pre-requisites or document verification will require instructor or staff approval prior to online registration.
在注册时, 印有公司正式抬头的信件, 需要注明你的姓名和课程吗, 还有收货人的姓名和地址.
  • 付费消防员和志愿消防员均可获豁免注册费用, 消防部门人员, 紧急医疗服务及救援人员, 以及北卡罗来纳州的执法人员.
  • EMS and 火 personnel in a North Carolina Department will be verified through department rosters
  • Employees of privately owned, federal, and for-profit agencies are not eligible for tuition waivers
  • Former students with current waiver information on file may register online through WebAdvisor.
  • New students may submit a request for a WebAdvisor Student Waiver Account by completing and submitting the form below.
  • ESTC帐户设置申请表 (请给我们1-2个工作日来验证和设置您的帐户.)
  • 如果你已经收到裁员通知或目前处于失业状态, you may qualify for a tuition waiver that will help you with your job search and job-readiness skills.
  • 报名参加人力资源发展课程, 下载及填写学生注册及豁免表格.
  • You may contact our office for help completing the waiver application and registration forms.
为了退课申请退款, a formal request must be made to the 继续教育 office at (919) 718-7500
学生退款将以信用卡报销或支票的形式出现, 视原始付款方式而定
下载 学生退款申请表格.
Students who withdraw from a class prior to the start date of the class are eligible to receive a full (100%) refund
Students withdrawing from a class on the first day of class and before the 10% date will receive a 75% refund
Students withdrawing from a class after the 10% census date of the course are not eligible for any refund
At times it may be necessary for 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 to cancel a class. 如果推荐正规买球平台取消任何课程,学生将获得全额退款. 尽早注册将有助于确保课程成功.
The 80% class attendance policy requires students to participate in at least 80% of the course in order to receive a satisfactory completion grade and be awarded CEUs. 这一政策适用于推荐正规买球平台的大多数继续教育课程.
课程 are non-credit training and enrichment classes and do not provide college credit.
Professional Development programs do provide 继续教育 Credits (CEU's).
Ed2Go courses are certificate and enrichment classes with instruction provided completely online. 他们为学生提供灵活的开始日期,并按需提供. 想了解更多关于Ed2Go的信息或搜索和 注册Ed2Go课程,请点击这里.
不,联邦财政援助不能用于继续教育课程. However, a limited number of scholarships are available for occupational courses each year.
What scholarship programs are available to help with my financial responsibilities?
中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 has several scholarship opportunities for students wishing to enroll in occupational training or certification courses, 包括可以帮助支付学费的资金, 费用, 书, 供应, 还有儿童保育. For more information call the Student 支持 Center at (919) 718-7500 or check out our 奖学金 页面.
How can I find out what pre-requisites are required to enroll in specific programs?
的类详细信息中可以找到有关先决条件的信息 在线日程安排. You can also call the Student 支持 Center if you have any questions about class requirements and eligibility.
We are always recruiting adjunct instructors and trainers to deliver courses in our departments. Requirements vary depending on the nature of the course, but include credentials and experience. 如果你对教学感兴趣, 点击这里完成申请 and submit it to the college Human Resources Department or the contact person on the specific department home页面.
我们有几位教职员工很乐意为你们的小组做演讲. For more information, contact the 继续教育 office at (919) 718-7500.
是的, 帮助所有学生达到他们的教育目标, the college has a variety of services available to help individuals with disabilities. 讨论残疾服务和住宿, please contact 学生无障碍服务 Office at (919) 718-7416 or email at sas@f-park.net. Additional information about the disability services policy can be found on the Office of 学生无障碍服务 网站.